
Monday, November 14, 2016

Jake's Rankings for All of the MCU Movies

After the recent release of Doctor Strange, we want to take a look at where it places along with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies since the next addition is not until May of next year. So here is my rankings of all the MCU movies.

14. Thor: The Dark World

This second installment in the Thor series was a bit of a let down. While it still is entertaining for its introduction to the reality stone, it did not delve into the character of Thor enough. From the trailer, it looked like we were going to get a villain that could pose more of a threat than Loki. But, instead we got a villain who was very forgettable. 

13. Iron Man 3

This movie killed it in the box office and was very entertaining to watch. However, after watching it a few time, I noticed that the plot could have been improved. I was not a fan of the twist they did on the Mandarin. It felt to me like a waist of such an intimidating character by just making him an actor. The action is the driving force of the movie which is why it was received so well. 

12. The Incredible Hulk

Going back to the topic of forgettable, this movie seems to be the most. This movie featured Edward Norton as the Hulk/Bruce Banner. His performance was a great depiction of the character. Also, it was a thrilling origins story on the character. However, it lacks what most MCU movies contain, which is the connection to the broader universe.

11. Doctor Strange

This movie is the most recent film in the MCU and was received very well by both fans and critics. However, the reason for such a low ranking is due to several issues I had with the story. It did not go into why Strange was the one nor why anyone couldn't just become a sorcerer. Also, they did not have the sense of realism that Marvel has done so well. I mean they made Thor seem like he could live among us because of the initial shock humans had to his arrival. But, with magic, people reacted as if this was not surprising. With that being said, this movie is the most visually stunning Marvel movie to date. 

10. Iron Man 2
This movie is the most forgotten in the Iron Man movie series. It was deemed as disappointing and underwhelming. However, I tend to disagree with the majority on this one as it thoroughly entertained me. The movie was a great sequel to the first by setting up new and exciting characters while still building upon the old.

9. Thor

Due to his unpopularity and unfamiliarity among Marvel fans, Thor did not appeal to viewers as much as Iron Man or Hulk did. This made people forget about the dramatic nature brought to the movie. We got to see the complex and emotional relationship between Thor and his brother Loki. This movie was a great introduction to a virtually unknown character. Congratulations Marvel, you made Thor cool. 

8. Captain America: The First Avenger

While it is differed in tone from its sequels, this movie was the perfect origin story to this iconic character. Its crew had the hard task of creating a 1940's America and they triumphed. The movie captured Cap's true morals and values as it follows his journey to becoming the hero he is known as today. In addition to this, besides Robert Downy Jr. as Iron Man, there is no better casting in the MCU than Chris Evans as Captain America. He really looks and plays the part with such charisma that is hard to find. 

7. Ant-Man

Let's be honest, when we all heard the news that this movie was going to be made, we all laughed. Everyone thought, "Well, I guess Marvel had to screw up sometime." But, this movie completely caught everyone off guard. Paul Rudd plays Scott Lang, a role that was made for him. He brings a sense of comedy that differs from Tony Stark's dry humor. This movie brings phenomenal visuals and a unique origins story to this intriguing character. 

6. Iron Man

Here it is, the movie that started it all. Released on the same year as Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, this movie had some work to do. It obviously brought it as we have seen the large universe built off of this foundation. The movie brought that Marvel tone filled with mind-blowing action and sarcastic humor that we all know and love. There has not been a better casting in a superhero role than Robert Downy Jr. as Tony Stark. He really captures who this character is supposed to be mostly because he is exactly like that in real life. He is Iron Man.

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

As we know, this movie shifted in tone from its prequel. It combined very advanced action and choreography with drama. The movie is more of a spy/drama movie than a superhero movie. It brought an emotional conflict that we haven't seen before. The struggle for Steve to fight his former and presumed dead best friend is heartbreaking.  

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron

People often consider this movie to be underwhelming. I disagree because I feel that Marvel was not trying to recreate its prequel. The movie has an obvious tonal shift in comparison. This movie has a darker villain and introduces several new characters. The movie sets up other movies very well and shows the Avengers slowly decaying throughout. However, it still stays true to its roots in that of charming humor and exceptional action. 

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

Similar to Ant-Man, this movie caught everyone by surprise. No average movie goer knew who these guys were. So, being unanticipated and unexpected, people were shocked to see how well these extremely entertaining characters were introduced. In addition, how can we forget about both Baby Groot and that remarkable soundtrack. 

2. The Avengers

This movie successful financially, critically, and in pleasing fans. There is no denying the groundbreaking genre this movie obtained. It connected all these solo movies and they all came together to fight. This is something that has never been seen before for it is not a sequel to those movies, but instead just a movie within the universe. It showed how you can successfully create a universe with cinema that can feel like reality. On top of the innovative nature of the film, it also has a perfected story giving each character the screen time they deserve. 

1. Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is the movie everything in the universe has been building up to. You could see the tension starting the the first Avengers, then in the second, and now it finally erupted in this solo movie. The movie is in fact a Cap solo movie as it follows the character's conflict with none other than Bucky again. But, it's not just Cap with the inner struggle, it is every character in the movie! Every character in this movie is given their own story and reasons behind their actions. I was so sure I was team Cap but when I left the theater I was undecided. I have never seen a superhero movie create such a questioning of morals within myself. And, how could we forget to mention the airport fight scene which goes down in action history.

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